



There are some schedule changes in 2025.
You can now book up to five appointments for an ordinances at a time except baptism. 

Closures on Christmas and New Year Holidays
-Tue 24 Dec -- Wed 25 Dec
-Tue 31 Dec -- Fri 3 Jan

Annex Closed:The entrances to the annex and its parking are locked during the new year holidays.
Closed days:Mon. 30 Dec. 2024 through Fri. 3 Jan. 2025

See the schedules and announcement below for more detail.


English is available.
















  1. クリスマスと年末年始の休館
  2. 別館の施錠について:下記の日程で別館入り口ドア及び駐車場シャッターは施錠されます。
  3. オンラインで一度に予約できる回数が増えました(2024年9月28日):バプテスマ以外の儀式は一度に5回まで予約可能になりました。バプテスマは今後も一度に1回までです。
  4. バプテスマのグループ予約の最大人数が増えました(2024年9月28日):これまで最大18人の参入者のグループ予約ができましたが、今後は最大20人の参入者のグループ予約が可能になりました。
  5. イニシャトリーの追加:2024年10月から木曜午前10:00と10:30にイニシャトリーの儀式が追加されました。
  6. 儀式スケジュールの一部変更:2025年1月から儀式スケジュールが一部変更になります。詳しくは上のスケジュール表を参照してください。
  7. バプテスマのオンライン予約の不具合:一部の方からバプテスマのオンライン予約ができなくなっているという報告をいただいています。ご不便をおかけしていることをお詫びいたします。バプテスマの予約がオンラインでできない場合は、電話(03-4545-3000)または電子メール(Tokyo-off@churchofjesuschrist.org)にてご相談ください(2024年9月3日)。
  8. グループ予約についてよくある質問はこちらを参照してください。
  9. 感染対策として、発熱された方は神殿に入ることをご遠慮いただいています。マスクの着用は個人で判断していただいています。

  10. 代理のバプテスマはお一人だけで参入される場合も予約可能です。儀式の執行者や手伝いの方がいなくても予約可能です。
  11. 家族ネームカードを持参されなくても儀式の予約が可能です。
  12. 家族ネームカードは儀式後に持ち帰る必要はありません。毎回新しいカードを印刷して参入することで同じ儀式を重複して受けることが防げます。ファミリーサーチのアプリか家族の儀式の要請書を持参すれば、神殿事務所で家族ネームカードを印刷できます。
  13. 休館予定


  • 1月2日(火)~1月3日(水)
  • 2月26日(月)~3月11日(月)
  • 7月22日(月)~8月5日(月)
  • 10月12日(土)
  • 12月24日(火)~12月25日(水)
  • 12月31日(火)


  • 1月1日(水)~1月3日(金)
  • 2月24日(月) ~3月10日(月)
  • 4月12日(土)
  • 8月18日(月)~9月1日(月)
  • 10月11日(土)
  • 12月24日(水) ~12月25日(木)
  • 12月30日(火)~12月31日(水)






  1. 自身のエンダウメント
  2. 民事結婚後の結び固め
  3. 亡き伴侶との結び固め
  4. 亡き両親との親子の結び固め




電話受付時間:(火)12:00~14:00, (水)17:00~19:00, (木)12:00~19:00, (金)9:00~19:00, (土)9:00~17:00







電話受付時間:(火)12:00~14:00, (水)17:00~19:00, (木)12:00~19:00, (金)9:00~19:00, (土)9:00~17:00








  • 火–金:8:30AM~5:00PM
  • 土:12:00AM~8:00PM
  • 日:8:00AM~3:00PM




  • オンライン予約、確認、変更、キャンセルの方法はこのビデオで紹介されています。
  • バプテスマと結び固めはグループ予約も個人予約もできます(一人でも予約可能)。
  • イニシャトリーとエンダウメントは伴侶と一緒に予約できます
  • 家族ネームカードを持参しない場合でも、儀式の予約をすることができます。


1. 参入者が少人数のグループ予約を作成するには,どうすればよいですか? 


2. 参入者はいつ予約確認に招待されますか? 


3. 招待された会員は,どのように自分の予約を確認しますか? 


4. グループのメンバーが予約を確認しなかった場合は,どうなりますか? 


5. 予約を確認した人を見ることができるのはだれですか? 


6. 参入者が予約の日時を変更するには,どうすればよいですか? 

予約を編集するには,オンライン予約のアプリにログインし,「操作(Actions)」ボタン(または携帯デバイスの「…」マーク)をクリックし,「予約の編集(Edit Appointment)」を選択します。グループ予約を変更するときには,以下のことが起こります:  

• 出席を確認したグループのメンバーには,変更を知らせる電子メールが自動的に送られます。新しい日時での席は,自動的に確認されます。  

• 予約の確認していないグループメンバーは,予約を確認するためにシステムに入ったときに,その変更について知らされます。システムは,日時の変更を赤で表示します。  

7. グループメンバーが参加できない場合は,どうすればよいですか? 

予約を確認したグループメンバーが参入出来ない場合は,オンライン予約のアプリにログインし,「操作(Actions)」ボタン(または携帯デバイスの「…」マーク)をクリックした後,「予約の取り消し(Cancel Appointment)」をクリックすることで,予約をキャンセルすることができます。変更は,予約作成者のグループリストに表示されます。    

8. グループ予約をする利点は何ですか? 



























宿泊状況はこちら(Google chromeでうまく開かない場合はその他のブラウザをご利用下さい)





























Living Ordinance Booking

Proxy Ordinance Booking

- When You Need Help with Church Account

- FAQ about Online Proxy Ordinance Booking

Small Group Appointments FAQ

Rental Clothing

Housing Booking

-Housing Availability

Parking Booking

-Parking Congestion Info 



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  1. Closures on Christmas and New Year Holidays
    -Tue 24 Dec -- Wed 25 Dec
    -Tue 31 Dec -- Fri 3 Jan

  2. Annex Closed:The entrances to the annex and its parking are locked during the new year holidays.
    Closed days:Mon. 30 Dec. 2024 through Fri. 3 Jan. 2025

  3. Now you can book more times online at once (September 28, 2024): You can now book up to five appointments of an ordinance at a time, except baptism.

  4. Maximum number of people for group reservations for baptisms increased (September 28, 2024): Previously you could make group reservations for up to 18 patrons, now you can make group reservations for up to 20 patrons.

  5. Initiatory added: Starting October 2024, Initiatory ceremonies will be held on Thursdays at 10:00 am and 10:30 am.

  6. Partial changes to the ordinance schedule: From January 2025, there will be some changes to the temple schedule. Please check the schedule at the top of this website for details.

  7. Technical issues in online baptism reservations: Some people have reported that they are no longer able to reserve baptisms online. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you are unable to reserve your baptism online, assistance is available at 03-4545-3000 or Tokyo-off@churchofjesuschrist.org (September 3, 2024).
  8. Click here for FAQ of Scheduling Small Group Apointments.
  9. To prevent infection, please refrain from entering the temple when you have a high fever. You can shoose to wear your face mask.
  10. Proxy baptisms are bookable just for one person. You can book one without a baptizer or helper.
  11. Family name cards are not required to book your proxy ordinance. 
  12. Family name cards are not have to be taken home after ordinance. Printing family name cards each time you return to the temple is a good practice to avoid duplicated ordinances. Temple office can print your family name cards when you bring your FamilySearch app or your Family Ordinance Request. 
  13. Temple Closure Dates:


  • Tuesday, January 2 through Wednesday, January 3
  • Monday, February 26 through Monday, March 11 
  • Monday, July 22 through Monday, August 5
  • Saturday, October 12
  • Tuesday, December 24 through Wednesday, December 25
  • Tuesday, December 31


  • Wednesday, January 1 through Friday, January 3

  • Monday, February 24 throuogh Monday, March 10

  • Saturday, April 12

  • Monday, August 18 through Monday, September 1

  • Saturday, October 11

  • Wednesday, December 24 through Thursday, December 25

  • Tuesday, December 30 through Wednesday, December 31

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Living Ordinance Booking

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If it is possible, please cooperate in booking your living ordinance as early as 3 weeks before your scheduling date. The followings are all living ordinances and you need appointment beforehand:

1 – 3: You need a Recommend for Living Ordinance.

4: Those who are 21 years old or older need a Temple Recommend. Those who are older than 8 years old and younger than 20 years old need a Temple Recommend for Sealing.

Appointments for living ordinances can be made by calling 03-4545-3000 or emailing at Tokyo-off@churchofjesuschrist.org.
We answer phone calls 12 NOON through 2 PM on Tuesday; 5PM though 7 PM on Wednesday; 12 NOON through 7 PM on Thursday; 9 AM through 7 PM on Friday; 8 AM through 7 PM on Saturday.

Please tell ① your name, ② phone number, ③ the type of ordinance you are interested in scheduling, ④ the date you want to receive the ordinance, ⑤ the best time to call back.

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Proxy Ordinance Booking

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Reservations for proxy ordinances are available, using the online appointment system. Please book online as much as you can. If you need help, please ask a member who is good at it. (If you cannot book online, please call us at 03-4545-3000)。

We answer phone calls 12 NOON through 2 PM on Tuesday; 5PM though 7 PM on Wednesday; 12 NOON through 7 PM on Thursday; 9 AM through 7 PM on Friday; 10 AM through 7 PM on Saturday.

Online booking requires your Church Account Username and Password.

Please see the top of this site for the 2024 and 2025 ceremony schedule.

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When You Need Help with Church Account

(back to topic)
Online reservation requires your Church account username and password. If you need support, please visit Account Recovery or Create Account, or ask your local leader other member. Or you can call Global Service Desk at 0120-895-600.

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FAQ about Online Booking

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  • How to make, confirm, change, or cancel an online appointment can be seen in this video.
  • Baptism and sealing can be booked either as a group or an individual.
  • Initiatory and endowment can be booked either as a husband and wife or an individual.
  • You can make a booking either you plan to bring your family name card or not.

1. How does a patron schedule a small group appointment?

Patrons begin by going to the online scheduling website and entering the proxy ordinance, the number of people, and the date they want to schedule. Group sizes are intended to be small, but larger groups may be supported in the future.

2. When do patrons receive an invitation?

Once a person schedules a group appointment, they will receive instructions on inviting others in their group to confirm their appointment.

3. How does an invited member confirm their reservation?

The group scheduler will invite the guest. The guest can click the link in the invitation email, social media, or text message. Next, they will log on to the online scheduling app and confirm their seat.

4. What happens if a group member does not confirm their reservation?

Once a group appointment is scheduled, the seats are reserved. The confirmation is optional. If a group member does not confirm, they can still attend the temple. They will appear as an unconfirmed guest on reports in Temple Scheduling.

5. Who can see who has confirmed a reservation?

The “My Temple Appointments” screen will display a list of group members who have accepted the invitation only for the person who scheduled the group appointment.

6. How does a patron change the appointment day or time?

To edit the appointment, they can log in to the online schedule app and click the “Actions” button (or “...” on mobile devices), and select “Edit Appointment.” The following will happen when they make a change to the group appointment:

• Group members who have confirmed their seats will automatically receive an email notification of the change. Their seat for the new date and time is automatically confirmed.

• Group members who have not confirmed their seats will be notified of the change when they go into the system to confirm their seats. The 
system will display the date and/or time change in red.

7. What if a group member is unable to attend?

If a group member has confirmed a seat but is unable to attend, they can cancel their appointment by logging on to the online scheduling app and clicking the “Actions” button (or“...” on mobile devices), and then clicking “Cancel Appointment.” The change will be shown on the scheduler’s group list.

8. What are the benefits of group scheduling?

Group scheduling allows those who may not use online temple scheduling to be able to attend the temple with someone else who schedules online. In the pilot temples, families and small groups found that using this feature made attending the temple together more simple.

9. I booked my group's appointment and only I need to cancel it and want to keep it for the rest of my group. Can I do so?

You need to be careful because when you click on Cancel, it delete your entire group. Instead, just decrease the number of your group by one for you, then it keeps the appointment for the rest of your group.

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Rental Clothing

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Towels and clothes needed Baptistry area such as jump suits, under wear, and garment are provided free of charge.

Rental temple clothes other than those needed in baptistry area are available.

We do not accept cash for rental clothing.

Please pay with credit cards, IC cards, or with your device.

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Housing Booking 

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Reservations for accommodations for Tokyo Temple Patron Housing will become easier and more convenient.
Starting August 1, 2024, reservations for proxy ordinances and accommodations will be available at the same time.
For more information, please click here (Updated on July 11, 2024).

Currently, Patron Housing is only available on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Please note that inquiries about reservations received on Sundays and Mondays will be handled from Tuesday onwards. Thank you for your understanding.

No waiting list is currently available.

We do not accept housing booking by telephone.

We can only respond to overnight reservations from Tuesday to Saturday mornings.

You need to book ordinances and housing separately.

Housing service is free of charge.

Step-by-Step procedure of Housing Booking:

  1. Book an ordinance first.
  2. Send your housing request by email.
  3. Please provide the following information in your email:
  • Group Leader: Name, Gender, Age, Cellphone, Email, Capblity of Using Upper Bankbed.
  • Chenk-in and Check-out dates (You can stay only Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday). Check-in time starts at 2 p.m. andd ends at 8 p.m. (if you arrive after 8 p.m., please email us.) Check-out time is at or before 9 a.m.
  • Your Booked Ordinance Schedule (if you are in someone's group, give the name who booked it for you.)
  • Your Group Member: Name, Gender, Age, Capability of Using Upper Bankbed. 

Housing Booking Email: Tokyo-tho@churchofjesuschrist.org.

(back to topic)

-Housing Availability

(back to topic)

Click here for Patron Housing availability
If it does not open well in Google Chrome, please use another browser.


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Parking Booking

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Reservations received after 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, as well as those received on Sunday and Monday, will be processed on Tuesday or later. Thank you for your understanding.

Parking Congestion Info: Parking is crowded every Friday and Saturday.
             Please consider using public transportation. 

Parking reservations are only available to those who have completed the ordinance reservation.

Parking space reservations are limited and permits may not be issued.

Parking booking is available only when the temple is open only for those who:

・Are physically challgened

・Are with living sealing ordinance'temple marriage' appointment

・Those staying overnight

They can make a parking reservation with this link.

Please fill in the form and send it 3 days beforehand at latest.
Please read the explanation in the parking booking form.

Even if don't have a paraking permit,you can park anywhere they don't have cones for people who have made a reservation.
When there is no parking space available, please do not wait on the public road and use a commercial parking space. (Please follow the guidance of parking lot attendants.)

Cancelling the Parking Booking:

Please send an email with 1) cancellation date and 2) driver's name to:

 Cancelling Parking Booking

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-Parking Congestion Info

(back to topic)

Parking is crowded every Friday and Saturday. Please consider using public transportation. 

Click here for parking lot reservation status.

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